Feit Consulting is committed to uncovering challenges and issues facing legal information professionals and developing solutions to these issues.
The Library Modernization Survey provided a format for legal information professionals to share their experiences with and results of library modernization. This report is a culmination of intel from a wide array of individuals and resources.
Going beyond our own scope of thinking of what defines a Modern Law Library, the survey results capture what current law libraries look like today with regards to staffing size changes, budget, alignment with the firm’s strategic plan and more. Additionally, the survey results illustrate the obstacles to modernizing a law library, and which resources law libraries find most useful in library modernization.
“The modern library partners fully with all professional support departments, stays on top of changes to its client’s business requirements, and delivers services proactively where it is possible to anticipate needs.”
Firms were invited to participate via email, and the survey was open from July through October 2017. 80 firms participated in the survey. Feit Consulting took steps to ensure accuracy through random verification checks and auditing surveys. Any discrepancy was reviewed, corrected or excluded.
These survey results helped inform our White Paper Beyond Virtualization: Transforming the Law Library. This White Paper is an extensive resource for both the administrator and the librarian, sharing obstacles and resources in library modernization, as well as detailed best practices.
Feit Consulting’s Librarian Modernization Survey Results share each question, analysis of respondents’ answers and the direct comments to open-ended questions.
These results provide great insight in learning about the challenges and rewards of the Modern Law Library, and how legal information professionals are making the leap to modernize their law library. This is an excellent resource for the legal information professional seeking a pulse on law library modernization.
Purchase of the Library Modernization Survey Results can be applied to a later purchase of Beyond Virtualization: Transforming the Law Library, a 98-page resource for the Modern Law Library.
Library Modernization Survey Results
Price: $150