How did we collect data for Playbook?
By Michael Feit | Sole Provider , Surveys , White Papers
Several tools were utilized in obtaining data for our Sole Provider Playbook.
To capture the full-market view of the sole-provider trend, Feit Consulting collected and analyzed data from midsize and large law firms, with greater emphasis on large law. This report has been a collaborative effort, with subscribers’ concerns steering our research.
Data was collected through the following methods:
- Phone Interviews: Conducted from March 2016 through November 2016, with 105 firms. These interviews focused on the firm’s current legal information purchasing strategy and sentiments toward vendors.
- Surveys: Four surveys that provided the data shared in this report were conducted from March 2016 through December 2016. Surveys and respondents are as follows:
- Associate Westlaw/Lexis Preference Survey, 238 firms responding.
- Westlaw/Lexis Sentiment Survey, 127 firms responding.
- Sole Provider Surveys (Customer Experience Survey & Concerns Survey), 116 firms responding.
- Sole Provider Playbook Module: 13 dual-provider firms participated in the Module, allowing Feit Consulting to capture and investigate further more specific details related to concerns, questions, and hurdles associated with the sole-provider option.