Tag Archives for " sole provider "

Mar 20

Sole Provider is not for every firm. Have you evaluated the option for your firm?

By Michael Feit | Feit Consulting , Sole Provider

The sole-provider option is not for every firm, and largely depends on your firm’s legal practices, recovery rates, contract pricing, and usage. While the option may not be the right decision for every firm, an evaluation of the sole-provider option is necessary for law firm administrators.

The idea of transitioning to sole-provider can be daunting, considering the many individuals and processes that might be impacted. There are a great number of elements to examine, from contracts to content, not to mention the strong reactions of users to fundamental system changes.

Whether or not a firm chooses to go sole-provider, the evaluation in itself provides an opportunity for a firm to review, revise and refine its legal information strategy and potentially save significant money. In a secret pricing market, knowledge is power. Knowing to what extent the sole-provider option is viable for your firm can serve as great leverage in contract negotiations.

Feit Consulting’s Sole Provider Viability Decision Guide walks legal information administrators through the pre-decision process, and lays out the groundwork necessary for informed decision-making. Learn more about this resource here.

Contact Feit Consulting today for a free consultation on what sole provider means for your firm. Click here to get started.

Jan 16

The Sole-Provider Option: Is it worth it?

By Michael Feit | Sole Provider , Surveys

Feit Consulting conducted surveys with firms who currently are sole-provider or had only Lexis or only Westlaw in the last three years. We were surprised with the satisfaction rates. Out of 89 sole-provider firms surveyed, 82 characterized their experience as excellent or satisfactory (better than neutral). Only three firms characterized their experiences as less than satisfactory. The surprisingly strong satisfaction rate for sole-provider firms drives home the point that firms can operate exceedingly well without having these two duplicative vendors.