Today’s librarians are innovators acting as the information hub to support the everyday business of law whether competitive intelligence, client intake, knowledge management and more. But every library is different. Where does your firm fall on the innovation/modernization scale?
Feit Consulting’s has released its latest survey findings. The Library Modernization Survey Results share the questions and analyzed responses of 80 participants, with charts and direct comments. Gain perspective on how the Modern Law Library movement is being realized. You’ll learn what obstacles are holding back law libraries from fully modernizing, and which resources they are accessing to modernize.
Here are some surprises we found:
Consider the value of the resources and skills that you offer your firm. Does the library have the right tools in place to support the changing needs of the firm? Does firm leadership capitalize on the skills of your team to assess, implement and utilize new processes and technology to move the firm’s strategic vision forward?
To purchase a copy of the Library Modernization Survey Results, click here.
Purchase of the Survey Results can be applied to the purchase of Feit Consulting’s white paper: Beyond Virtualization: Transforming the Law Library. This report was developed with intel from over 250 interviews and in-depth surveys with legal information professionals. Included are check-lists and best practices to guide your firm in achieving maximum ROI – whether those investments are in people or resources.
Michael Feit earned his J.D. from the Loyola University School of Law in Chicago and was an executive at Westlaw before founding Feit Consulting 16 years ago. Feit Consulting partners with law firm administrators and legal information professionals to optimize vendor contracts and the management and delivery of legal information resources by providing leading-edge, customized solutions. Contact Michael at