Category Archives for "Resources"

Jan 16

Leverage in Contract Negotiations

By Michael Feit | Feit Consulting , Resources

What leverage does your firm have going into contract negotiations?

Many firms wait until around three months prior for legal information contract expiration to come top of mind. However, if a firm can allocate more time for planning and evaluating its legal information resources’ value, the extra time creates a huge leverage for the firm. Firms that obtain market knowledge to compare their contract pricing, coupled with key metrics to assess contract resources’ value, will gain significant leverage in legal information contract negotiations.

Planning ahead with the right tools and knowledge is not only critical but absolutely necessary for success. Key leveraging points may include change in size of firm, ample time to make certain contracts co-terminus, firm-wide interest in the sole-provider option, usage and value of each legal information resource, to name a few. A multi-year plan allows one to know ahead of time what the firm’s goals are going into contract negotiations.

Feit Consulting’s latest report, Optimizing Legal Information Pricing, provides market intel to compare your firm’s contract pricing, as well as key leveraging points to utilize in your upcoming legal-information contract negotiation. This resource shares tactics to achieve optimization. It also shares how to optimize your legal-information pricing and terms with Lexis, Westlaw, Wolters Kluwer, BBNA, and other products.

Get ahead of the vendor’s strategy and timeline. Don’t wait to prepare. Optimizing Legal Information Pricing is a tool that will help your firm prepare in time with the essential leveraging tools to achieve success. Learn more here.


Jan 15

Feit Presenting at ARK Conference on “What is the Modern Law Library?” February 22nd, NYC

By Michael Feit | Feit Consulting , Librarians , Modern Law Library , Resources

Feit Consulting is presenting on “What is the Modern Library?” at the Ark Group’s 12th annual Law Firm Library, Research & Information Services conference, February 22, 2018.

Our program offers clear insights into the steps firms need to take for maximum efficiency and delivery of legal information resources and the role of the Modern Library. Feit Consulting’s Michael Feit, President & Founder and Monice Kaczorowski, Vice-President of Library Strategy and Innovation will lead the program by sharing their research on library modernization and how this is defined. We share key take-aways from our white paper, Beyond Virtualization: Transforming the Law Library.

An expert panel will discuss the “Big Picture” of Librarians as disruptors, how to change the stereotypical image of the librarian, how to run the Library as a business and the importance of interdepartmental support and technology. Panelists include:

  • Shabeer Khan, Director of Research Services with Morrison & Foerster,
  • Greg Lambert, Chief Knowledge Services Officer with Jackson Walker, and
  • Nancy Rine, Director of Research Services and Conflicts with Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson.

The role of Library Services within firms and organizations has shifted. The program will address how and why Librarians need to move beyond traditional research roles, reinventing themselves to support the business of law. Added to this is why it’s important for administrators to be open to the new roles the modern law library can play.

Join us in New York for this exciting event.  Click here for the conference details.

Jan 15

What does it mean to be a Modern Law Library?

By Michael Feit | Feit Consulting , Librarians , Modern Law Library , Resources

The Modern Library is a business within a business, utilizing metrics and analytics to forecast, predict and analyze data as changes occur. More than providing content, the Modern Law Library encompasses a proactive approach and mindset, developing new processes and collaborations to support the business of law. An important component to realizing a Modern Library is open-mindedness by both Administrators and the Library team.

To fully embrace the Modern Library approach, consider the following questions in your role with the Library (whether as a Librarian or an Administrator):

  • What can I do differently to offer value to my organization and make them see me and my library in a new way?
  • How can I change my habits to actually facilitate change?
  • How can I move out of my mindset of but we have always done it that way?
  • How can I change the way I work with various departments, my Administrator, my Librarian to support the business of law in an improved, more efficient way?

While law firms have always depended on library and information professionals to support the research needs of their lawyers, the Modern Law Library is undergoing a paradigm shift. Success now depends on the library taking a more active role in the organization, to help support the day-to-day business of law. One such way is providing interdepartmental support.

A few examples of this include:

  • Embracing new roles in Conflicts Support for new business intake.
  • Partnering with Marketing to provide competitive intelligence to support the RFP process.
  • Partnering with IT to identify and beta-test software.
  • Driving Knowledge Management.

Becoming a Modern Law Library is not done overnight, or in a week or month. It is complex and includes many little steps in order for a Law Library to modernize. In sum, the Modern Law Library is a trendsetter, evaluating and embracing new techniques, ideas and technology to help support business processes.

Feit Consulting offers Modern Library Audits, examining and recommending changes to save the firm/organization money, improve efficiencies, and maximize utilization of resources. Contact Feit Consulting today to set up a free consultation on modernizing your Law Library today.

Jan 14

Modern Library Audit: Are you optimizing your current resources?

By Michael Feit | Benchmarking , Best Practices , Feit Consulting , Librarians , Resources

A Modern Library Audit is a measure of the utilization of personnel, internal processes, technology, legal information contracts and the overall support for the business of law.

Having an outside, objective analysis will save the firm/organization time and money. It is an investment in supporting the business of law. In this two-month audit, Feit Consulting will examine each of component of your library and provide clear recommendations specific to your firm/organization with the goal of saving money, improving efficiencies, and maximizing the utilization of resources.

Some of the unique topics that Feit Consulting will cover include;

  • What best practices need updating ?
  • Have you benchmarked your contracts lately ?
  • Are your integrated library resources optimized ?

Having a 3rd party can add an objective view to your library

Click here to set up an initial, complimentary consultation.

Jan 13

3 Things every Administrator Needs to be Doing in January

By Michael Feit | Librarians , Resources

Start the year off right with proper planning and strategy development. Success, in large part, is determined by the correct allocation of resources. This includes having enough time to collect needed information, ensuring staff understand the priorities with enough time to execute. Here are three things a Legal Information Administrator or Librarian can do to start the year off right.

  1. Calendar out important vendor contract dates. Contract expirations are important. Go a step further. Plan out far in advance of contract expiration when planning for contract negotiations will take place. Allow time for evaluating the value of resources such as number of users and how much these users utilize a certain resource.
  2. Revisit your Legal Information Strategy. Reviewing your strategy ensures your goal setting for 2018 is in line with the firm/organization’s anticipated changes and goals.
  3. Determine which big initiative the Library will take on this year. Will it be a Collection Audit? Modern Library Audit? New ERM tool? No matter how small or large, allocate a few hours for each staff member to collect data and details that will eventually feed into the business case or announcement to the firm.



Dec 05

Resources Offering ROI

By Michael Feit | Legal Information Trends , Resources

In 2016, Feit Consulting launched the Market Trends Legal Information Series. The Series is composed of white papers and survey results on pertinent topics in the legal information arena. The Series was launched with our report on Westlaw & Lexis: Path to Commoditization discussing the historical pricing and strategies of these vendors, and detailed insights to where the legal information market is heading.

Another hot topic is the sole provider trend. In January 2017, Feit Consulting released The Sole Provider Playbook and the Sole Provider Viability Decision Guide. These resources provide more than a high-level discussion about the trend. These resources can be used by firms and organizations as how-to guides, walking them through the process of evaluating, assessing, and implementing change. Out hope is that more firms will take on a proactive approach to evaluating the option, not waiting to the last minute when their hands are tied by the vendor. We want to provide firms and organizations with tools, concrete steps for making the best decision for their legal information strategy and bottom line.

This past summer, Feit Consulting released Optimizing Legal Information Pricing. A unique resource offering Feit Consulting’s view of pricing in the market. This is an excellent resource for getting a general sense of how your firm or organization’s contracts measure up. Feit Consulting can also conduct personalized benchmarking for your firm or organization.  This is highly recommended for anyone who has not received a Lexis or Westlaw price adjustment since 2008.

In developing these reports, we utilized surveys and conducted one-on-one interviews with experts in the field to provide comprehensive resources. What we heard over and over again from firms and organizations who purchased these reports has been how impressed they are with the wealth of knowledge and detail provided.

Whether you have unused funds for 2017, or want to get head of the game for anticipated 2018 projects, the Market Trends Legal Information Series provides a wealth of knowledge, guidance and processes for ROI of your legal information portfolio. Contact Feit today for year-end special pricing. Click here to learn more about all the reports and surveys we offer.