Category Archives for "Resources"

Jan 18

The Surprising Sole-Provider Data!

By Michael Feit | Sole Provider , Surveys

For the first time since the early 1990’s, retaining just Lexis or Westlaw has become the norm. Today, nearly 51% of large law firms have opted to retain only one vendor. There are roughly 400 law firms with over 100 attorneys in the US. Within the last year, Feit Consulting collected data on 389 of these firms. The majority, 51% (198), now only have one vendor. 75 large law firms have eliminated Westlaw, and 123 eliminated Lexis. As contracts are negotiated continuously, there is expected minor fluctuations in both directions. *Data Source: 2016 Feit Consulting Research.

Jan 18

How do firms handle lost content?

By Michael Feit | Sole Provider , Surveys

In Feit Consulting’s Sole Provider Experience Survey, 50 firms responded to the question, “How did you handle lost content?” Surprisingly, only 56% of firms needed to purchase print, and 22% said lost content was not an issue.

Selected comments from the survey results:

“Actually kept necessary print. It is getting harder to encourage use of local law library, because they are moving content online also, if they don’t get licensing for visiting researchers then we don’t have access.”

“Also utilize colleagues who can provide assistance if necessary.  It’s reciprocal.”

“We have a membership with the county law library, which allows us to access some Lexis content.”

“We heavily evaluated content across providers to make sure that in our practice areas we did not create content gaps. We surveyed attorneys in practice groups to aid us in making these decisions. We did compare-and-contrasts between vendors, and we had focus groups to address individual concerns of power users.”

“We spend more on our outside document company than we did before.”

To purchase the full survey results, contact Feit.

Jan 17

How did we collect data for Playbook?

By Michael Feit | Sole Provider , Surveys , White Papers

Several tools were utilized in obtaining data for our Sole Provider Playbook.

To capture the full-market view of the sole-provider trend, Feit Consulting collected and analyzed data from midsize and large law firms, with greater emphasis on large law. This report has been a collaborative effort, with subscribers’ concerns steering our research.

Data was collected through the following methods:

  • Phone Interviews: Conducted from March 2016 through November 2016, with 105 firms. These interviews focused on the firm’s current legal information purchasing strategy and sentiments toward vendors.
  • Surveys: Four surveys that provided the data shared in this report were conducted from March 2016 through December 2016. Surveys and respondents are as follows:
    • Associate Westlaw/Lexis Preference Survey, 238 firms responding.
    • Westlaw/Lexis Sentiment Survey, 127 firms responding.
    • Sole Provider Surveys (Customer Experience Survey & Concerns Survey), 116 firms responding.
    • Sole Provider Playbook Module: 13 dual-provider firms participated in the Module, allowing Feit Consulting to capture and investigate further more specific details related to concerns, questions, and hurdles associated with the sole-provider option.
Jan 16

Busting the Wexis Duopoly

By Michael Feit | Sole Provider , White Papers

The Lexis and Westlaw duopoly has been broken. More than 50% of large law firms have made the choice to eliminate either Lexis or Westlaw. The norm of having both Lexis and Westlaw has officially ended. For firms who currently have both Lexis and Westlaw, how do you assess whether the sole-provider option is right for your firm? And if so, how do you implement this huge-change management decision? The Sole Provider Playbook is an essential resource for law firm administrators to assess the viability of the sole-provider option. This step-by-step guide details what components to include in your business plan, from the cost/benefit analysis and content hurdle issues, to making a recommendation to firm management. The Playbook includes checklists, detailed processes, hurdles and solutions, a sample presentation and much more. This is a must-have tool for every law firm administrator.

Click here to learn more about The Sole Provider Playbook.

Jan 16

The Sole-Provider Option: Is it worth it?

By Michael Feit | Sole Provider , Surveys

Feit Consulting conducted surveys with firms who currently are sole-provider or had only Lexis or only Westlaw in the last three years. We were surprised with the satisfaction rates. Out of 89 sole-provider firms surveyed, 82 characterized their experience as excellent or satisfactory (better than neutral). Only three firms characterized their experiences as less than satisfactory. The surprisingly strong satisfaction rate for sole-provider firms drives home the point that firms can operate exceedingly well without having these two duplicative vendors.